
Friday, June 14, 2013

The Hair Fair 2013 Photo Contest Has Begun!

Hair Fair Photo Contest Has Begun ......

Hair Fair 2013 Photo Contest

1. This years theme is “Movies Inspire Me” be as creative as you like, feel free to include other people in your shots.
However, as in previous years, ONLY THE PERSON ENTERING THE PHOTOGRAPH IS ELIGIBLE TO WIN. This years contest will run from the 7th June – 28th June 2013

Examples : Sci-fi, Black & White, Romantic Comedy, Anime, Horror, Country & Western, Thriller, Action, Drama

*No Nudity or sexualy suggestive images, this is a charity event to raise money for Children, naked/revealing pictures and pictures that the committee deem inappropriate will not be accepted, the committee’s say on this is final.

Be creative, but remember we are looking for pictures that focus on the hair and you. PHOTOS SUBMITTED TO THIS POOL MUST HAVE BEEN UPLOADED SINCE THE START OF THE CONTEST, PHOTOS OLDER THAN THE START WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED, we want fresh focus and definite passion for this event, and this event only.

2. Feel free to enhance your shot in the photo editing program of choice. We don’t want to see vendor images here or store logos in the background for example. Just remember this isn't an advertisement but a tribute to hair that you love.Also be aware that we wont be judging your photos on how little or much you know of PS or GIMP, rather the feel of the picture and the capture itself.That being said, please do not “over process”, we want to be able see the hair! – if you must put your name on your images please be sure to make it small and discreet in the bottom left or right of the photo…anything business focused will not be accepted, names of avatar only.

3. Keep your photos in Second Life size format. Second Life will distort your images when uploaded into SL, and we do not want to have your images look all out of focus in the winners circle if picked.

Sizes options:

512 x 512

1024 x 1024

2048 x 2048

512 x 1024

1024 x 2048

4. Photos may only be entered once, and only the person entering the photo is eligible to win. The same photo may not be entered by more than one person. You must have full ownership rights to the photo you are entering. If it was taken by someone else, then you must be allowed to use it in this manner. Check with the photographer before entering because any disputes of ownership of a photo will result in disqualification.

5. Entrants are limited to a total of 8 entries. Enter only your very best photos, as swapping out will not be allowed. We will be keeping track of who enters what, and swapping out your photos after submission will result in your disqualification. We want to make it fair to everyone.

6. In the description of each photo you enter, please include:
* Your Second Life avatar name ( no display names, if your last name is Resident please include that )
* Model/s
* Photographer
* Hair Style Name and Store ( the store does not have to be in Hair Fair 2013 )
* Inspiration Movie ?

7. All photos must be entered by Midnight SLT on 28th June, at that time uploads will be disabled.

8. Winners will be announced just prior to the start of Hair Fair with all winners receiving a special VIP invitation to Hair Fair before it opens its doors to the public.
Winning photos will also be featured at Hair Fair.
First, Second and Third Prize winners will receive prizes from all stores listed, this is a HUGE prize pool.
Seven runners up will also be given early access to Hair Fair 2013, as well as having their photos on display at the event.

You may also showcase past designers who have left Second Life, designers just starting out, or even hair you or a friend made.

All photos will be moderated before being approved into the group pool, please be patient as we are all on different timezones, but the pool will be checked daily. If your photo does not appear after 24 hours, please check that all the rules have been followed..thank you

The judges decisions are final

Prizes cannot be exchanged, negotiated or sent to avatars other than the winners.

The pool address:

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Sasy Scarborough in world via notecard.

This year we are very honored to be working again in conjunction with Wigs For Kids, a fantastic organisation. You can find details about the work they do at


Prize Sponsors :

Alice Project
Alli&Ali Designs
Bizarre Hair
Bliensen + MaiTai
Curio Obscura
Curious Kitties
DamselFly Hair
Eaters Coma
Enigma Hair
Hair Studio One
Ladies who Lunch
Loovus Dzevavor
LoQ Hair
Nikita Fride
Rosy Mood
Tableau Vivant
Vanity Hair
VR Studio by VR Foundry
Wasabi Pills

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