
Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Sea Hole is Closing It's Doors For Good Tomorrow

I was very sad to hear that the extremely talented and innovative Drinkinstein Sorbet will be closing the doors to her seriously awesome store, The Sea Hole.
Here is a word from Drink herself:

As of Monday, May 13th , 2013 I have officially decided to retire from doing business in Second Life.
As many others before me, this course was chosen as a means to spend more time on Real Life adventures.

Its Been my pleasure to have had the privilege of knowing so many brilliantly talented friends and business associates throughout the last five years as the creator of The Sea Hole, and Collabor88. The colorful and boundless world of SL has forever changed my perspective on artistry, and imagination. The people Ive been so lucky to have known and befriended will always be remembered with fondness and warmth.
The Customers who have supported me and my various projects with their patronage and kindness will never ever be rivaled even on the best days in RL.

I owe So many thanks to everyone who has made being the Sea-Holiest-rock'n-rolly-est shop in the grid possible. Thank you for a great 5 years, Thank you for all of the happiness you've freely given, Thank you for the opportunities you've shared, Thank you for believing in me!

With Love, and The greatest expectations,
Drinkinstein Sorbet

When I think of original creators, Drink is one of the first designers who come to mind. I have always been in awe of her ingenious hand drawn textures and stunning designs. She is also the brain child behind the super successful event, Collabor88. Thankfully, she has an amazing staff that will keep this event going strong. Drink and her fabulous designs will me missed tremendously. So, please make sure you run down to The Sea Hole and grab all your favorite creations before the doors close on May 31st. Just so you know, all items are just 50L! Thank you Drink,  for all the beauty and joy you brought to my SL. I wish you all the best in your new endeavors.

The Sea Hole

The Sea Hole closing

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