
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Boob Envy!

Hell must have finally froze over, because I actually got a pair of mesh breasts! I had always been happy with my small default breasts and saw no need for a pair of huge mesh ones. I don't know if it was all the boob blog coverage or all the appliers being made by various designers, but the hype finally got to me and I needed a pair. Once I decided to take plunge (no pun intended), I had to decide what kind of mesh boobs to get. I know there are many different makes of these attachments, but the two mainstream brands are Lush and Lolas (as far as I know). I was tempted to get the Lolas, but there was not a demo available and I heard that you can not make them too small without corrupting the overall shape. Not to mention, they are not cheap and I really did not want to invest in something that I wasn't sure I would wear. The Lush, however, do have a demo and are about 700L cheaper. Just so you know, cost is not an issue when it comes it quality. The fact that you could make the Lush significantly smaller and also had a demo to play around with, had sold me. I really feel the Lush mesh breasts are made for those of us who like smaller breasts. If you prefer bigger breasts, then the Lolas are probably just what you need.
I have to mention a few things for you to keep in mind before purchasing mesh breasts. First off, due to an SL mesh bug, you will most likely see some seams from where the mesh breasts attach to your default pair. Unfortunately, unlike other mesh bodily attachments, you can not put on an alpha layer around your default breasts to hide them. Also, the smaller you make your breasts, the harder it is for the mesh to blend in with your avatar. I am sure that when a mesh deformer becomes available, this issue will be solved. So, until then, I recommend using a neutral WL, such as CalWL. If you turn-off basic shaders, you won't see any seams at all, but you will be stuck SL's basic windlight. If you are a photographer like me, you can play around with different windlights and shadow settings, until the seams disappear. FYI: The seam issue is NOT the fault of the designers who created the appliers or the mesh breasts!
Secondly, when fitting my Lush breasts, I noticed that certain shape adjustments improved the overall look and fit of the breasts. Depending on your shape, I would make your overall 'Breast Size' between 10-20 points on the slider (I set mine at 10). I would set the 'Breast Buoyancy' around 35-45 points (I set mine at 39). And, I found a setting of 0-10 points to be perfect for the 'Breast Cleavage'(I set mine at 5).
Now that you have your breasts all in place, you will want to add the skin and/or nipple 'applier' that is made for the skin you are wearing. As of right now, the only skin creators, who I know of that make appliers for Lush, are -Belleza- and [PXL Creations]. I am praying that -Glam Affair- comes out with one for Lush too! I guess until then, I will have to match their color myself. Both appliers are made beautifully and match their skins perfectly (as you will see in the pictures). Not only do [PXL] and -Belleza- have a skin appliers, but they come with nipple appliers with 3 nipple choices as well.
The [PXL] appliers come with 2 shading options. One normal and one push-up. The nipple appliers come with 3 different nipple sizes (small, medium and big). They are very easy to apply. You just select the texture, right click and add. You do this for the texture and for the nipple of your choice.
The -Belleza- appliers come with one shading option and a tattoo layer (as well as shirt layers) to help blend the texture to the mesh breasts. The texture and nipple applier (there are 3 different natural nipple looks to chose from) come in an easy to use HUD. Just click and go!
 I guess you will be able to see more about both creator's appliers, and the Lush mesh breasts, in following pics. I must warn you though, I did touch-up the images in Photoshop, in order to conceal the seams. Like I mentioned earlier, you really have to work with a neutral windlight in order to avoid this noticeable glitch. I also recommend checking-out the the demo thoroughly.
When you get the demo, take the time to adjust you avatars's shape, in order to fit the mesh breast. You also want to go into edit mode and find the right height for them. After that, use the built in re-sizer script, so you can find the most comfortable size for your taste. And then, I suggest testing different lighting. You will probably have to re-adjust the size and fit of your mesh breasts, as you go bigger or smaller. So, with that said, here are your LMs:

[PXL Creations]

Btw, Strawberry Singh wrote an excellent post about mesh breasts and Lolas. I really feel it is definitely worth reading to give you some more insight that I may have left out. Here is the link:

Belleza Ava Tan 0 and Belleza Applier for Lush Mesh Breasts
-Belleza-  Ava Tan 0 & Lush Appliers HUD Tan by Tricky Boucher
[PXL] FAITH LT NE MEB C1 & Lush LT Applier with Medium Nipple Size by Hart Larsson
[PXL] FAITH LT NE MEB C1 & Lush LT Applier with Medium Nipple Size by Hart Larsson
PXL FAITH and Lush

~Style Info~
Eyes: IKON Eternal Eyes - Silver (ML) by Ikon Innovia
Lashes: Izzie's - Eyelashes v1.03 by Izzie Button
Hair: [LeLutka]-POCAHONTAS hair - Praline by Thora Charron
Earrings: MG -  Earrings - Singapore Swing - Triple Ebony by Maxi Gossamer (avail for upcoming FaMESHed)
Mesh Breasts: Lush - [d] Lush Breasts 1.3 by Riann Maltese
Bikini Bottoms: Izzie's - Mademoiselle Panties black by Izzie Button
Pose: Izzie's - Silicone Model Poses by Izzie Button (NEW)
Pic 1 -
Skin: -Belleza-  Ava Tan 0 by Tricky Boucher (NEW)
Appliers for Lush: -Belleza-  Lush Appliers HUD Tan by Tricky Boucher  (NEW)
Pic 2 and 3 -
Skin: [PXL] FAITH LT NE MEB C1 by Hart Larsson
Appliers for Lush:[PXL] Lush LT Applier with Medium Nipple Size by Hart Larsson
Earrings: (Kunglers Extra) Cleopatra - Silver earrings by AvaGardner Kungler (NEW)
Necklace: (Kunglers Extra) Cleopatra - Silver necklace by AvaGardner Kungler (NEW)
Hand: Slink Mesh Hand Relax by Siddean Munro
Ring: (Kunglers Extra) Livia - Silver ring by AvaGardner Kungler (NEW)
Feet: N-core  BAREFEET by Claire Messenger (NEW)
Pose: -.label motion.-  Nude Poses by Anne Dakun
Home -
House: L2 STUDIO West Lake House 110 by Lindini2 Lane
Bed: :CP: Georgie Bed by Isla Gealach
Lamp: :CP: Georgie Lamp by Isla Gealach

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