
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Exile at Hair Fair 2011!!!

Okay, things are getting really bad now with my laptop situation. Dell will still not send me a new one, but I managed to get them to come out and replace all the parts *LOL*. Well, this involved a lot of tears and screaming at the top of my lungs to some unlucky tech person in India. Dell has "notes" on me. I am now a "difficult" customer. But, when a customer service rep was in in the process of sending me the laptop I have now, which is also "replacement", I was PROMISED they were going to "MAKE SURE" that I would "NEVER EVER" have a "PROBLEM" again! Well, what do you know, I have HUGE problem and they basically are telling me "F**K YOU! It takes a lot to make me mad and to get that heated, but Dell does it to me every time. So, please forgive my crappy pics. This post has now taken me over 24 hrs to complete, which is insane. Actually, I think I am insane for trying to do it under these conditions and not giving myself a break, But I have already disappointed so many designers with this mess and I fear my reputation as a blogger is going down down the drain. Everything I worked so hard to achieve is being destroyed by my lousy laptop and need to try and not let people down. So, please accept my sincerest apologies. This situation will be resolved of the end up the upcoming week. Finally! Well, lets hope anyway. You will also not have to read these rants anymore...
On a  much happier note, Kavar Cleanslate of Exile, released 5 fabulous new styles for the much anticipated Hair Fair 2011. These styles are gorgeous and so perfect for summer. I really could not pick a favorite style. What I really love most about Kavar's creations, are his root options. With the addition of a darker root, the hair looks so much more realistic. I am really impressed. I can't say enough wonderful  things about his latest releases. So, since I really tired, after 24 hrs of sub par work, I will let the pictures do the talking.
 Btw, I also paired the hair with Lara Hurely's full make-up line of 'Odette'. 'Odette' is absolutely stunning! I can not take this perfectly rendered skin off! I still have a full review to do on this, so please stay tuned. I was hoping to have it completed already, but my laptop has been too difficult to work with. Once again, I am so sorry.
 I also couldn't help but show off Tyr Rozeblum's recently released dress, called 'Letters Home'. They are so feminine and Summery, which makes it a definite wardrobe MUST! So here are your limos to where you can find all these wonderful creations...

Hair Fair 2011 - Exile
Exile Mainstore
Lara Hurely

Exile Aroha Roots Maple- & Grix Letters From Home - Peach & Lara Hurely Odette -Bronze -Tan
::Exile:: Aroha: Roots- Maple
Lara Hurley-Odette bronzed/Tan
Grixdale - Letters Home Dress - Peach
Exile Bailey Roots-Teak & Grix Letters From Home - Pop & Lara Hurely Odette -natural -Tan
::Exile:: Bailey: Roots- Teak
Lara Hurley-Odette nude/Tan
Grixdale - Letters Home Dress - Pop
Exile Hollie Dae Roots-Goldrush & Grix Letters From Home - Doll & Lara Hurely Odette -Purple -Tan
::Exile:: Hollie Dae:Roots-Goldrush
Lara Hurley-Odette purple/Tan
Grixdale - Letters Home Dress - Doll
Exile Lady Versailles Roots-Autumn, Grix Letters Home - Grass & Lara Hurely Odette -Green -Tan
::Exile:: Lady Versailles:Roots-Autumn
Lara Hurley-Odette green/Tan
Grixdale Letters From Home - Grass
Exile Glory Roots-Vanilla & Grix Letters From Home - NightLife & Lara Hurely Odette -Pink -Tan
::Exile:: Glory :Roots-Vanilla
Lara Hurley-Odette pink/Tan
Grixdale - Letters Home Dress - Night Life
Grixdale - Letters From Home - Coma
Grixdale - Letters Home Dress - Coma

~ Additional Style Info ~
Eyes: FASHISM 'Sunrise' Eyes - Pale Grey (M) by Ikon Innovia (BEST EYES EVER!)
Bangle L: miel - FRIENDO bracelet by Miel Nirvana
Bangle R: MONS / Big Bangle dore&leopard (NEW)
Flip Flops: Maitreya Gold * Flip-Flops Fawn w/ String & Bead Anklet by Onyx LeShelle (NEW)
Poses: GLITTERATI by Katey Coppola

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